At the inception of the bill of rights it was made for equal footing and had good intentions. I don’t think the founding fathers had any idea one of these would clearly outcompete all three. The one idea that clearly came out on top was the freedom of the press. By come out on top I am implying it calls the shots. If you aren’t aware there seems to be a type of spontaneous coordination with the mainstream media entity’s. This coordination comes out of the academy. Which is basically the progressive equivalent of a religion. The media than forms a public message to push upon the public to create a consensus. Mainstream journalists do not, as a rule, challenge mainstream

academic authority. From here we can tell that the market place of ideas has been a failure since most academic institutions have been corroded by power through the social sciences.

The mainstream press really came out a head because this ruling….


That ruling alone has given them more autonomy and less oversight. Good luck in a court of law proving “actual malice.”

To end my long spill. Because of the press we live in a society in which the press and the universities control the State. While everyone fears a government in which the State controls the press and the universities. It is easy to tell the two forms apart, but the customer experience is pretty much the same. I don’t think we can ever live in a society where the press is actually free it’s either run by power or gets corroded by it. When power corrodes the press. Freedom of religion and freedom of speech become threatened if you hadn’t noticed...

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Hey pepeseeker, I love your response. It's very impassioned.

I agree with you on all points here.

It's an unfortunate circumstance to be in with our current state of affairs. I wish I could say I'm optimistic that things will change for the better. But you and I know that when power gets a taste for something in a controlled manner, they don't just decide to let it go peacefully into the night.

Appreciate your feedback, and hope you find some "enjoyment" out of my other writings. I plan to do some articles on this very line of thought and associated principles in the very near future so stick around. And do me a favor and share any content you feel is noteworthy.

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Sep 12, 2022Liked by Christopher LaFreniere

Well things may get worse but at least we know as Christians we win in the end. Looking forward to your next one!

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Agreed. This is quite true.

I just noticed I didn't include a subscribe or share button. So if you haven't seen the other content, it's available through this link.


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