Coffee on the Couch: Exploring the Intersection of Christianity and Politics.

Hey there, fellow coffee enthusiasts and curious minds!

Welcome to Coffee on the Couch, a space that brewed its humble beginnings in the crisp fall of 2016. Back then, life was serving up its fair share of turbulence, and I started out with a blog on WordPress, which was basically my online journal. Little did I know that, over time, it would evolve into something much more profound—a unique brand and a platform to write about stories, as well as writing in a style becoming of a “citizen journalist”.

So, what's the buzz all about? Well, here at Coffee on the Couch, we're diving deep into the captivating realm where Christianity and politics meet. I know I know—politics can sometimes feel like a dirty word, and trust me, I've felt the same way. But let's face it, as a society; we owe it to ourselves to strive for a better understanding of the seemingly complex world of politics. It's time to strip away those rosy-tinted glasses and view the world with a fresh, unbiased perspective. Let's break free from those confining boxes and embrace a broader outlook—one that might make the puzzle pieces of our world fit together a little more seamlessly.

Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”

You may ask why this subject matter, though. Well, I believe that exploring the juncture of Christianity and politics holds the key to unraveling some of the most intriguing aspects of our society. It's about dissecting the values, beliefs, and principles that shape our decisions, both in the realm of faith and within the intricate web of governance. Through thoughtful analysis and engaging discussions, we'll navigate this terrain with an open mind, seeking understanding above all else.

Curious to keep up with the latest sips of insight? Subscribing is your golden ticket to the world of Coffee on the Couch. I've got you covered. All you have to do is hit that subscribe button, consider financially supporting my publication, and enjoy the content as it steadily flows out.
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Easy, right?

If you're a first-time visitor, a warm welcome to you! Make yourself at home, get cozy, and soak in the content. Don't be shy—your feedback, likes, and recommendations are of great value. So, let’s get started one cup of insight at a time.

Whether you're a fellow believer seeking to bridge the gap between faith and politics or a curious soul eager to explore uncharted intellectual territories, Coffee on the Couch has a seat saved just for you. Join me as we unravel the tapestry of ideas woven by the interplay of Christianity and politics. It's a blend worth savoring.

Cheers to faith, politics, and the countless conversations ahead!

Warmly, Chris LaFreniere: Freelance Writer and Curator of Coffee on the Couch.

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How Christianity intersects politics


Hey, I'm Chris LaFreniere, a writer behind Coffee on the Couch. From a 2016 blog, it's evolved into a space exploring Christianity and politics, with engaging discussions. Join me in discovering connections at this faith-politics nexus.