First, we should discuss the baseline description of what “Agenda 2030” even is, for those who may not be familiar with precisely that.
However, we will look at both the textbook definition as well as the street-level definition.
Here’s the textbook answer: “The Agenda 2030 is a commitment by the United Nations to eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development by the year 2030 worldwide, ensuring that no one is left behind. The adoption of Agenda 2030 was a landmark achievement, providing for a shared global vision towards sustainable development for all.” Taken from a UN-related website.
Now here’s the street-level answer: “If we’re being honest, there is quite a lot of mistrust when it comes to Washington or the United Nations. We have seen firsthand how FEMA has failed to save us in times of crisis. So, when looking at this giant agenda that is full of hyperbolic language, it is easy to see why some people don’t trust it.
How is the UN going to “end poverty in all its forms everywhere” by 2030? It just doesn’t seem that possible given their track record.
Moreover, the language used in Agenda 2030 has some worried it is presenting a “New World Order.” This is because it uses all-encompassing language, such as “for all” and emphasizes the need for a global partnership.
Instead of the United States of America, people are fearful that our own current laws will cease to exist if we continue to hand U.S. sovereignty over to an international government.
However, according to the United Nations, “The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are not legally binding. Nevertheless, countries are expected to take ownership and establish a national framework for achieving the 17 Goals.” ”
Provided below is the actual article that goes into further detail.
Agenda 2030 article
Upon reading the article and looking up the more polished pieces on Agenda 2030, you'll notice a stark difference; we’re talking night and day.
That’s just the “basics.”
Now we look at a direct quote from people like Klaus Schwab.
“You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy,” said Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum. As Anthony P. Mueller, a professor of economics, warns, “The main thrust of the forum is global control. Free markets and individual choice do not stand as the top values, but state interventionism and collectivism. Individual liberty and private property are to disappear from this planet by 2030.” You'll own nothing and be happy
It's genuinely astonishing to me that people such as Klaus Schwab come right out and say these things on national television and people are okay with it as if he just told you something beneficial.
But we, the few, are in the background screaming. No, don’t fall for it!
It’s a ruse! What do people do on the contrary, though? They lap it up.
However, we live in a world that calls good evil and evil good.
Of course, the other dilemma is people that bury their heads in the sand and choose to live in blissful ignorance. Tell me, how exactly will you explain that to your kids when they ask where their freedoms went? And why you neither did nor said anything to stand up and fight for them.
It amazes me the level of blissful ignorance people have at times.
With all that said, we must wake up to the realization that this world is not, nor will it ever be, a pretty place.
We must realize that we, “the masses,” are not so much controlled by our local government but instead by the people at the top, who own the way policies sway, and the direction society heads as far as regulations. Sure they might let us have a few nibbles of cheese along the path. But that’s primarily to give us a rest in the “bliss” that we have a choice in how things come out regarding legislation. At the end of the day, as a friend put it, regarding political parties and voting as a republican, we’re just the brakes, nothing more. We may delay things for a time. But ultimately, we’re going to arrive at our intended destinations! So we can try to fool ourselves all we want.
However, I’ll put out this last bit of insight, and then we’ll move on. There’s an expression concerning the elites. “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Essentially anytime they see a perfect opportunity to implement a policy or law on their “wish list,” they’re going to go at it full tilt, but also very coy!
Still with me?
Let’s get into the 5 Ps of agenda 2030
People: To end poverty and hunger for all.
Planet: To protect the planet from degradation.
Prosperity: To ensure “all human beings can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and that economic, social and technological progress occurs in harmony with nature.”
Peace: To foster peaceful and inclusive societies.
Partnership: To strengthen global solidarity.
Upon looking at the first “P.”
We see that they want to “End poverty and hunger for all.” But how exactly do they plan to do that?
”According to the most recent estimates, in 2015, 10 percent of the world’s population or 734 million people lived on less than $1.90 daily.” Which is quite true. This isn’t some convoluted study. I’ve been to countries in the world that are not as fortunate as our own and, by the way, do not have the support structures our country has, such as food stamps, Social security, WIC, public housing assistance, Etc.
One such country I’ve been to is deemed a fifth-world country, and at that point, there’s no coming back from it, so people die in rapid succession. Then you look at the big picture and think of the wealth of some of the top percentile you may know off the top of your head.
Go on; you can do it; you know their names more than you may think.
You start to think if they used their wealth and put it to good use, this world would survive… people would survive… Nope! They’re banking on poor eating habits, lack of exercise, lack of *food,* poor health, Etc. Is what’s going to thin out the herd for them!
And they would never have to actually raise a finger to their blight… humans!
Don’t let them fool you; they want you dead, so you stop sucking up all their resources.
However, we must realize that we as people have a seat at the throne if we call upon the name of him who has provided a way out of this dying and decaying body.
Next, we have
Planet: To protect the planet from degradation:
This goes hand in hand with the last few sentences on “people.”
They want you dead and gone so you stop depleting the resources that will last them for an “extended and advanced duration of life.” But they’re not going to tell you that because then the game would be over, and we would get wise to the blight we face as “the consumer” and the low man on the totem pole.
So instead, they’ll invest countless amounts of money into “stacking the deck” and ensuring we feel comfortable and misguided in believing that we have the power to change our “destiny.” at least in the carnal sense.
This is where we glimpse the biblical factors here. We, as Christians, know that someday we’ll be taken to heaven with new bodies. In the presence of the great I am. We also know what the bible says about the end. Which we aren’t merely *approaching,* we’re already in the thick of it! Awaiting other parts of the prophecies to come about, which aren’t too far off. But that’s for another entry.
Through all these Ps, we must remember the prospect of how it stacks up biblically.
We know this planet is going to pass away, and a new heaven and new earth will be put in its place. It’ll be a glorious day to be held.
On the carnal aspect of things, we must remind ourselves we’re going to hear a lot of talking points on the earth and how we need to save it, using a variety of tactics. Like emissions taxes or ceasing farms! Why? If you suddenly have a monopoly on where the food supply comes from and how it’s grown, you control a pivotal aspect of human life, and people make rash decisions when they’re hungry and haven’t eaten for days.
Third up, we have.
Prosperity: To ensure “all human beings can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and that economic, social and technological progress occurs in harmony with nature.”
We know this one is a bold face lie because of our favorite James bond villain Klaus Schwab.
”you will own nothing and be happy.”
Does that sound like a fulfilling life to you? or prosperous?
Not to me, it doesn’t. I’m not particularly a materialist, but I do appreciate owning things and not being subjected to being disbarred from using them for some inconsequential reason. I.e., I liked the wrong thing, spoke out against an “injustice, “ or called state and federal officials well-deserved derogatory names.
On a biblical level, we know that we shouldn’t be living life to acquire wealth. Now we know that we need money to survive in today’s financial world. But it’s the love of money that becomes the problem factor here. But let me be the first to say this, being good at making money is not sinful; the problem is how you use those resources within your life, within your sphere of influence.
Never let the money influence you to a point where you forget where you’ve come from and how reliant upon the lord you were before financial success!
Second to last.
Peace: To foster peaceful and inclusive societies.
Peace?! There’s nothing peaceful about the way these people carry themselves. Subtle? Yes, peaceful? No. In many cases, they’re directly responsible for the outburst, riots, and massive uprooting of people’s livelihoods. Or other social-political movements. Remember “Greta Thunberg”? I believe she was a Ponzi for the elites' purposes. And a lot of people who were awake saw right through it. Others…? Let’s say they thought she was the greatest since sliced bread.
Then you look at things from a macro level concerning peace.
It’s incredible the level of discussion and pointed questions you could ask revolving around this. I believe I will make a separate entry specifically for *peace* in a much more detailed manner. But I will say this. When you hear government and world officials say anything about “peace and security,” it’s cause for concern because it’s anything but that.
Partnership: To strengthen global solidarity.
This one short of peace is probably one of the more alarming.
Think about what could be done if the collective groups of people in power were all of a sudden working together to strengthen their global connections and ”solidarity.”
If that doesn’t send chills down your back, I don’t know what else will!
It’s very picturesque of the prophesied “one world government” and essentially the new world order.
You wanna hear some real-world instance of a government gone full tilt into what’s currently being discussed and toyed around with in a “conference room” concerning the “Abominable United States,” “Home of the free!”
China currently has a social credit rating system, where you are judged and rated on many decisions you make. Both political and social, as well as financial.
These ratings have huge ramifications, such as buying too much fast food over, grocery shopping, and making home-cooked meals. You get a ding on your rating.
If you get enough of these dings and receive such a poor rating, you’ll live out your days destitute. Without a car, you must ride a bicycle everywhere… if you’re lucky enough to purchase a bike.
Think of the most restrictive, most obnoxious manner of living that would be it. Ohh, and factor in being under constant video surveillance!
In closing!
Remind yourselves of this constantly.
Things may seem bleak sometimes, and it may be the darkest before dawn… but keep in mind. We, the faithful. We, the awake. We, the vigilant. Must continue to wake others up and allow them to see the light of day! Both on a biblical basis as well as an educated fundamental level. This premise goes deeper than political parties or whether you attend a Sunday service consistently.
To do so, we must meld the two worlds together and incorporate what they say you should never discuss with people! Politics and Religion.